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NCI Patient-Derived Models Repository (PDMR) - An NCI Precision Oncology Initiative Resource
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Last Updated: 10/05/20

PDOrg models:

  • Guaranteed for at least 10 passages (following PDMR SOPs)
  • PDOrg-derived xenograft confirmed by histopathology to match the patient diagnosis or pathology of provided patient material
  • Complete human pathogen assessment
  • Confirmed human origin
  • Validated STR profiles to patient material and/or other models derived from the same patient material
  • Whole exome sequence and RNASeq data are available

PDOrg Model Generation

The PDMR generates PDOrg in vitro models from the following material in order of priority to try to maximize model heterogeneity: patient material and then PDXs. The origin of material used to generate the model is listed in the PDMR database with the model growth information.

PDOrg cultures use specialized defined media with growth supported in a basement membrane dome. The PDMR has noted different morphological patterns of growth among PDOrgs: organoids, loose aggregate clusters, and single cell/small clusters. The model-specific Certificate of Analysis (provided with distributed material) and PDMR SOPs ( should be used to ensure culture success — these models should not be treated like traditional in vitro cultures (e.g., HeLa, MCF7).

PDOrg-Specific Quality Control

  • Verified to be 99.9% human tumor culture, non-clonal (multiple cell types or non-cloned lineages), 99.9% fibroblast free (FACs analysis).
  • Proven to grow as a cell-line derived xenograft (CLX) in NSG host mice. CLXs are characterized by histopathology for human tumor/diagnosis sub-type confirmation but are not further analyzed.
  • These cultures have been grown for at least 10 passages from the distribution lot and no out-growth of fibroblasts has been observed.
  • May or may not be able to form spheroids in a fully-defined, serum- and feeder-free medium

PDC models:

  • Guaranteed for at least 20 passages (following PDMR SOPs)
  • PDC-derived xenograft confirmed by histopathology to match the patient diagnosis or pathology of provided patient material
  • Complete human pathogen assessment
  • Confirmed human origin
  • Validated STR profiles to patient material and/or other models derived from the same patient material
  • Whole exome sequence and RNASeq data are available

PDC Model Generation

The PDMR generates in vitro models from the following material in order of priority to try to maximize model heterogeneity: patient, PDX, patient/PDX-derived organoid (PDOrg). The origin of material used to generate the model is listed in the PDMR database with the model growth information.

PDC cultures use defined media and grow with a variety of growth characteristics. The model-specific Certificate of Analysis (provided with distributed material) and PDMR SOPs ( should be used to ensure culture success — these models should not be treated like traditional in vitro cultures (e.g., HeLa, MCF7).

PDC-Specific Quality Control

  • Verified to be 99.9% human tumor culture, non-clonal (multiple cell types or non-cloned lineages), 99.9% fibroblast free (FACs analysis).
  • Proven to grow as a cell-line derived xenograft (CLX) in NSG host mice. CLXs are characterized by histopathology for human tumor/diagnosis sub-type confirmation but are not further analyzed.
  • These cultures have been grown for at least 20 passages from the distribution lot and no out-growth of fibroblasts has been observed.
  • Tested for growth as spheroids in fully-defined, serum- and feeder-free medium and tested for clonal growth in soft agar.

CAF models:

  • Guaranteed for at least 3 passages (following PDMR SOPs)
  • Non-tumorigenic in mice
  • Complete human pathogen assessment
  • Confirmed human origin
  • Validated STR profiles to patient material and/or other models derived from the same patient material

CAF Model Generation

CAFs are primarily generated from patient material, though occasionally they can be recovered from a P0/P1 PDX. The origin of material used to generate the model is listed in the PDMR database with the model growth information.

CAF cultures use defined Media and are grown on Matrigel-coated plates. The model-specific Certificate of Analysis (provided with distributed material) and PDMR SOPs ( should be used to ensure culture success — these models should not be treated like traditional in vitro cultures (e.g., HeLa, MCF7).

CAF-Specific Quality Control

  • Verified to be 99.9% human fibroblast culture and 99.9% human tumor cell free by FACS analysis.
  • These cultures have been proven to be non-tumorigenic following subcutaneous implantation into NSG mice and have been characterized as fibroblasts by at least one of the following methods: immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, or FACs.
  • It is important to note these are non-transformed cells. CAFs have a finite lifespan in vitro.
  • CAFs are guaranteed for experimental use for up to 3 passages when maintained on Matrigel-coated surface in the recommended defined media.
    • Additional population doublings and subcultures are possible, but overall fitness of culture may deteriorate with subsequent passages.
  • Not sequenced for the Repository, though they may be used as a germline surrogate for the model.